Briefing webcast: how does your data value grow?

Martin Stockdale |Partner, Kennedys

Chris Lewis|Head of data and insight, DAC Beachcroft

Graham Moore|Managing director, Katchr

Richard Brent|Head of content, Briefing

The Briefing Frontiers research for 2023 found two-fifths of strategic leaders at the largest UK law firms either believe their organisations don’t have a business-wide data strategy, or in some cases simply don’t know whether such an agenda exists at all.

In partnership with Katchr, this Briefing webcast uncovers many of the levers available to those hoping to transform their data from a possible burden and risk factor into an effective, engaging and widely appreciated strategic asset.

Martin Stockdale, partner, Kennedys
Chris Lewis, head of data and insight, DAC Beachcroft
Graham Moore, managing director, Katchr

Chaired by Richard Brent, head of content, Briefing


An opportunity to stand out from the crowd

Matt Skipper, head of new business, Mills & Reeve
Briefing April 2024

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Where does knowledge management see its chances and challenges with genAI?

Richard Brent
Head of content, Briefing