Briefing Tiger Team

Video: Back to the future?
Rupert Collins-White, Co-CEO | Kate Bassett, marketing and client development director | Patrick Torti, director quality, risk and compliance | Tara Waters, partner, head of Ashurst Advance Digital | Sarah-Jane Howitt, BD and marketing director, partner | Mike Gilpin, commercial director | Robert Beach, CEO | 10.2.21
We hear how top-tier, global law firms are successfully navigating these challenges, despite a more dispersed workforce. We look at the future of change and how the pandemic has provided firms a burning platform. Do firms want to embed this new change mindset and do they need to change in other ways to progress as they want to in a new strategic future?
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Video: Back to the future?
Rupert Collins-White, Co-CEO | Kate Bassett, marketing and client development director | Patrick Torti, director quality, risk and compliance | Tara Waters, partner, head of Ashurst Advance Digital | Sarah-Jane Howitt, BD and marketing director, partner | Mike Gilpin, commercial director | Robert Beach, CEO | 24.8.20
The tigers discuss the top three management challenges at leading law firms
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Video: Risk in remoteness
Richard Brent, editor-in-chief | James Holman, head of compliance | Claire Larbey, general counsel | Mark Parr, global director IT | Daniel Pembroke, head of pricing | Christian Toon, chief information security officer | Christopher Young, principal consultant and business development director | 24.8.20
The tigers discuss the top three management challenges at leading law firms
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Video: Thinking differently for a new normal
Richard Brent, editor-in-chief | Karen Jacks, chief technology officer | Sid Welham, chief operations officer | Brian Dunlop, global director of strategic pricing | Tony Pullman, head of business transformation and chief operations officer | 31.7.20
The tigers discuss the top three management challenges at leading law firms
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